Category: Opportunities

  • Carceral Studies Consortium Graduate Fellowship 2023-2024

    Carceral Studies Consortium Graduate Fellowship 2023-2024

    Overview of the Carceral Studies Consortium  It is the premise of Carceral Studies that the problem of carcerality and unfreedom can only be addressed by the sophisticated coming-together of different disciplines and fields, a rich array of theoretical traditions, and a diverse set of methodological interventions. To this end, the Carceral Studies Consortium (CSC) brings…

  • PEN America’s “Prison Justice and Writing Program”

    PEN America’s “Prison Justice and Writing Program”

    We [PEN America] are writing to cordially invite you to subscribe and listen to Works of Justice (WOJ), a multimedia series produced by PEN America’s Prison and Justice Writing Program that spotlights key figures, writers, and artists who are critically reshaping the conversation on incarceration, advocacy, and justice in the United States. Past features include Derecka Purnell on unlearning…

  • University of California Washington Programs to Host “Abolitions Conference”

    University of California Washington Programs to Host “Abolitions Conference”

    The Abolitions Conference will be held at the University of California Washington Center in DC, from May 6 to 8, 2023. The abolitionist movement began with calls to abolish chattel slavery in the eighteenth century. In the nineteenth century, philosophers called for the abolition of the wage system. In the twentieth century, abolitionists called for the…

  • OU Carceral Studies Consortium Spring 2023 Community Engagement Micro-Grants – OPEN NOW

    OU Carceral Studies Consortium Spring 2023 Community Engagement Micro-Grants – OPEN NOW

    The Carceral Studies Consortium brings together community members, faculty, staff, and students from across the University of Oklahoma and beyond to cultivate and support rigorous research, pedagogy, and community engagement toward social transformation.  To accomplish this mission, the Consortium offers two micro-grants of up to $500 to OU faculty, staff, and students to support the development of research, pedagogy, and community…

  • Organization of American Historians to Host “New Approaches to Carceral Studies”

    Organization of American Historians to Host “New Approaches to Carceral Studies”

    In recent years, U.S. historians have devoted significant attention to prisons, policing, criminal law, and racialized mass incarceration. Long neglected by US historians, carceral state history is now one of the most vibrant subfields of US history. Interest has only increased following the summer rebellions and public debates of 2020, particularly around broad arguments for…

  • OU Carceral Studies Consortium to Host Undergraduate Reading Group

    OU Carceral Studies Consortium to Host Undergraduate Reading Group

    The Carceral Studies Consortium will facilitate an undergraduate reading group in Spring 2023, where participating students will read and discuss Stranger Danger: Family Values, Childhood, and the American Carceral State. Stranger Danger reveals the transformative power of media-fueled moral panics on American politics and culture, showing how ideas and images of endangered childhood helped build a more punitive America.  Please share this…

  • Square One Project – “Reimagine Justice in Oklahoma” Event

    Square One Project – “Reimagine Justice in Oklahoma” Event

    Join the Square One Project for the first-ever public Roundtable on Values and Justice: Examing Racial Disparities and Reimagining Justice in Oklahoma. This free and public event, taking place in Langston, Oklahoma on January 31st and Tulsa, Oklahoma on February 1st and 2nd, will include a keynote panel, an arts performance, and a sustained dialogue focused on reimagining…

  • Collaborative Opportunity from the University of Notre Dame

    Collaborative Opportunity from the University of Notre Dame

    Integrating Virtue Together is an opportunity for faculty from across institutions and disciplines to join a community of practice to integrate moral virtues into a course they will teach in the academic year 2023-2024. Through this initiative, we will work with faculty to build 2-3 virtues into a course syllabus, integrating experiences, reflections and frameworks…

  • OU Carceral Studies Consortium Announces Fall 2022 Micro-Grant Recipients

    OU Carceral Studies Consortium Announces Fall 2022 Micro-Grant Recipients

    The University of Oklahoma Carceral Studies Consortium is pleased to announce the Fall 2022 Micro-Grant recipients. The Carceral Studies Consortium brings together community members, faculty, staff, and students from across the University of Oklahoma and beyond to cultivate and support rigorous research, pedagogy, and community engagement toward social transformation. To accomplish this mission, the Consortium offers…

  • OU Carceral Study Consortium Cohosts “Community-Engaged Work in the Carceral Space”

    OU Carceral Study Consortium Cohosts “Community-Engaged Work in the Carceral Space”

    On November 30 at 12:00 pm the OU Center for Faculty Excellence and the Consortium are co-hosting a zoom event on Community-Engaged Work in the Carceral Space.  We are looking for one consortium member to volunteer to present a 5-7 minute overview of their experiences with community-engaged work in the carceral space (advocacy, research, teaching…
